On the other hand, the SEAppInstall command line will allow reinstallation of the application. 另一方面,SEAppInstall命令行却允许重新安装应用程序。
In 2009, the country switched to driving on the left hand side of the road from the right hand side, in line with New Zealand and Australia. 2009年该国将汽车靠左手边行驶改成靠右手边行驶,以和新西兰、澳大利亚保持一致。
Click on the center dot to rotate the hand around the action line. 点击中心圆点,沿着作用线旋转手臂。
Don't hand me that line of bullshit, roscoe. 别给我来这一套,罗斯科。
You do it like this: you hold the fishing rod with your left hand, reel in your line with your right hand. 你这么办:你用左手持钓竿,再用右手绕线。
The hand line may be a useful aid even if the wader is belayed as below. 扶手绳甚至在渡溪者处于被确保状态下,都是个好用的帮手。
Don't hand me that line of bullshit, Roscoe. It is the science of things to come, of impending developments. 别给我来这一套,罗斯科。它是关于未来事物和未来发展的科学。
Upper Black Shangxiu with colorful flowers, stems, leaves, cloth shoes, I saw to Bianshi, after the upper cloth to make shoes out, pull Shangxiu shoes with patterns, soles by hand line from satisfied. 黑色鞋面上绣以多彩的花、茎、叶,鞋口以锯齿状布包边饰,后鞋帮用布作鞋拔,鞋拔上绣有图案,鞋底手工纳线而成。
He was paddling with his right hand and holding onto the line with his left. 他右手划着水,左手抓着鱼线。
With one hand he seized the static line to shore; 他一只手抓住系在岸边的静力绳;
On the other hand, the beam line is not obviously lengthened for the use of this method. 而且,通过综合利用,束线并未因采用该方法有明显加长。
He used the thumb and index finger right hand gently holds fishing line. 他用右手的大拇指和食指轻轻捏着钓丝。
The design of modular machinery hand in car production line 汽车零件精段自动生产线机械手设计
Finally his left hand found the line and he leaned back against the line and now it burned his back and his left hand, and his left hand was taking all the strain and cutting badly. 他的左手终于抓住了钓索,他仰着身子把钓索朝后拉,这一来钓索火辣辣地勒着他的背脊和左手,这左手承受了全部的拉力,给勒得好痛。
Let not your right hand know what your left hand does in that line of business. 在那方面别让你的右手知道你的左手干的事情。
Suitable for hand work and production line. 主要适合流水线及手工操作。
Because the beam of electrons is needed to fabricate each structure, the process is similar to the copying of a manuscript by hand, one line at a time. 由于做出每个结构都需用到电子束,所以这个过程类似于用手一行一行地抄写文稿。
On the other hand, if a line is inside the plane, 7 then that means that no matter what time you choose, you always get seven. 另一方面,如果直线在平面上,那么就意味着无论你选择什么时刻,都会得到。
But it's sufficiently understandable for all that and it's also hand again right in line with modern physics. 但可以理解,符合现代物理学。
Foreign private businessmen in particular shall not be allowed to have a hand in this line of business. 尤其不应允许外国私商来我国插手经营此项业务。
The results was obtained from TFRC, a-bRC, atd tPD, fingerprint, hand interdigital, hand thenar, hand hypothenar, simian line, hallucal, sole interdigital, sole hypothenar and calcar patterns. 研究的项目有TFRC、a-bRC、atd、tPD、指纹、指间纹、手大小鱼际、猿线、大拇趾球纹、趾间纹、足小鱼际纹和足跟纹等。
The contradiction between hand management of the line data and the seedy urbanization is discussed. 阐述了管线资料手工管理与城市化发展的矛盾,简单介绍了该系统的数据库设计;
On the other hand, the line width and frequency shift of the spectrum decrease with the center of mass momentum of the atoms. 另一方面,原子质心动量对光谱也有影响,表现在线宽和频移随质心动量减小而减小。
The conventional hand line plotting method is modified by the method that is propitious to materiel design and manufacture process simulation or modeling and improve the engineering applications. 该方法改进了原来手工线条图作图法,有利于装备设计、研制过程仿真与建模,提高了时线分析法的工程化程度。
Influence of Pulse Bias Fields on the Formation of Right or Left Hand Vertical Bloch Line Chains 脉冲偏场对形成正、负VBL的影响
On the Form and Projection Analysis of Conic Cut and Hand in Line 圆锥截交线的形状及投影分析
The correct teaching and distinguishing about the historical figures and their activities on one hand meet the requirements of the new curriculum, on the other hand are in line with the students 'age and psychological characteristics. 正确讲授和判别各个历史人物及他们从事的活动,既符合新课程的要求,也符合学生的年龄和心理特征。
On the other hand, a suitable line search technique is important for the numerical performance of the developed algorithm and the establishment of global convergence. 此外,合适的线搜索技术对算法效率和建立其收敛性理论亦至关重要。
On the chip manufacturing side, on the one hand, the wafer size increases in order to reduce the production cost; on the other hand, the line width decreases to improve the integration of the circuit. 芯片制造上,一方面,为了降低生产成本,逐步增大硅片的尺寸;另一方面,为了提高IC的集成度,不断减小刻线宽度。
Broader product line often brings high design cost and inventory cost; on the other hand, narrow product line sometimes causes customer loss. 产品线过长会导致较高的设计和库存成本,而过短则会带来顾客流失。